ACI Builds a Publication for Architects | Associated Contractors

5 Common Construction Industry Myths

Written by George Ray - Owner, ACI | Apr 17, 2019 11:58:00 AM


Every industry comes with its stereotypes: all teachers love getting apples, all lawyers are liars, everyone in the tech industry is shy and nerdy, the academic field is snobby and elitist. Those are just a few of the common assumptions people make about other fields of work. The construction industry is no different and has to battle a few false myths of its own. Here are 5 of the most common construction industry myths and what the real facts are.

All construction is bad for the environment.

While some construction methods have proven to be damaging to the environment, the industry now considers environmentally-friendly practices and materials to be of extremely high priority. The emphasis now placed on green building provides incentives for construction companies to comply beyond standards that are bare minimum requirements. Construction professionals have become more conscientious over the years and have found ways to reduce waste and reuse and recycle materials.

The construction industry is only for people who can’t get another job.

The specialized skills required to be a worker in the construction industry are nothing to scoff at, and not everyone makes the cut. Whether they join the workforce young and eager to work with their hands and sharpen their mind, come equipped with a college degree, or find themselves wanting to be trained at a later age, construction is for those who want to learn, work hard, get paid fairly, and go home feeling rewarded at the end of the day.

Construction companies don’t hire women.

According to the National Association for Women in Construction, less than 9.1% of the construction industry is made up of women. However, this number is steadily rising. As the battle for equal pay across all industries continues, construction is actually ahead of the game. Nationally, across markets, women earn 81.1% of what men make, but in construction, this percentage is 95.7%.

Construction workers are reckless and dangerous.  

Like any industry where manual labor, heavy operating equipment, and specialized tools are involved, construction can come with its fair share of risks. Luckily, the professionals in construction take safety extremely seriously and are highly equipped to handle the dangers associated with the work. When the proper gear is worn and precautions are taken, a construction zone is a place where workers practice safety every second they’re on the job.

Construction work is a dead-end career path.

The construction industry is expected to grow by leaps and bounds over the next couple of years — 3% in 2019 and another 3% in 2020 to be exact. That means over 300,000 jobs could be created over the next two years alone. Construction is a multi-billion dollar industry with a competitive starting salary and incredible room for growth. Hard work ethic and dedication can propel workers through the ranks and provide a range of opportunities available in a growing industry that spans a massive variety of building types.

 Want to move beyond the myths and learn more facts about the construction industry? Contact an expert at ACI today.