ACI Builds a Publication for Architects | Associated Contractors

What does COVID-19 Mean for your Construction Project [Video]

Written by George Ray - Owner, ACI | May 26, 2020 4:30:00 PM

The current Coronavirus crisis has left many businesses in a lurch. Some have had to shut down completely, others have been allowed to resume business operations under certain safety procedures. On May 1, 2020, construction companies joined other industries in reopening. Today we are joined by George Ray, President and Owner of Associated Contractors Inc to ask, ”What does this all mean for your construction projects?”


George Ray:

“We had to shut down several projects and it actually delayed the start of one project. We were fortunate enough to have some exemptions in place. They were for medical-type facilities so we were able to start a medical remodel and continue to work on one and finish another medical remodel. Everybody was at home; I had spent a lot of time along with my partner, Dan, we looked at processes and kind of revamped some of our quality processes. We revisited our safety programs and just made sure that when things were ready to go again that some new policies were in place to make everything go well. 

One of the things that we put together to reopen was what we call a COVID-19 response plan and what that plan is, it's the requirements of the state(of Pennsylvania) for people's safety. It includes such things as wearing a mask if it's safe to do so in the processes that we're doing out on the jobsite. We've implemented hand wash stations at all of our projects. One of the big items is we'd have to do screenings-- health screenings-- every morning and log them. You know, taking people's temperatures making sure that if anybody's coming to work that isn't feeling well that they're sent back home so you know there's no chance of spreading any type of virus, disease, whatever they may have. And then the big thing for construction is we have to limit the number of people on our construction site. It's based on square footage of buildings and sites and you're only allowed to have so many people on that site at a time. So it could possibly cause durations to push out because we can't have the overlap of doing multiple things at the same time. Possibly because we can't have everybody on site.

Thank you for watching. We appreciate your time and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to look at our website or give us a call here we certainly can help!”
